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16th Subject Expert Committee-Life Science Meeting under Women Scientist Scheme (WOS-A) at IIT Jodhpur

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About the Event

The 16th Subject Expert Committee-Life Science meeting under the Women Scientist Scheme (WOS-A) of DST, Government of India, was organized at IIT Jodhpur during 14-16 February 2019. Twelve Committee Members and around 100 participants attended this event, which was coordinated by Dr. Priyanka Singh, Assistant Professor, Department of Bioscience & Bioengineering, IIT Jodhpur. The Women Scientists Scheme aims to encourage women scientists to pursue research in frontier areas of science and engineering, on problems of societal relevance and to take up S&T-based internship followed by self-employment.


Indian Institute of Technology, Jodhpur

Last update:2023

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